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The land is sparse,

Primeval almost.

Trees on the rocky slopes,

Open scrubland on the tops,

Like moor land yet differently coloured,

With browns, reds, yellows.

Here is a place of intensity,

Heat, crickets, lizards,

Dryness, hot stone and olive groves.
The skies are dark and blue here,

The sun is brassy hot.


St Gerbier de Jonc


Rock, and the sound

Of rock on rock as we walk,

Dry foliage, clinker sounds.


Soon to be hot.

Grey sky, soon to be blue.

Blue slopes roll into the distance,

While twisted gnarled conifers

Crawl like dragons all around,

And in between leap the hopping creatures

With their brilliant blue and red wings

Flashing as they fly,

Their calls whirring from every crack.

A high, foreign, tinder-dry land.



Green-gold of the vines

As autumn pricks the air.

Grey-gold of the stones

In the ancient vineyard barns,

Red-gold of the trees

On the forested slopes,

Blue-grey-gold of the sky

Patchwork-fretted with cloud.


Grotte Chauvet


Light flickered on the wall

As the horses galloped

Timeless, and the bison charged,

Fleeing from the lions

That stalked relentless,

Caught forever by ancient hands

That daubed and scraped

And smoothed their patterns

Onto the cave walls

In the firelight.

I wonder who they were,

What did they hope to catch

With their charcoal

In the deeps

Of the nameless wastes

Of long ago?



How did the torchlight

Flicker in the deeps?

How did their voices

Echo in the hills?

Who were these fathers

Of our forefathers,

Grinding their rocks,

Mixing their colour,

Charring their wood

To make forms so fluid,

So alive, so enduring

That we see them,

And return…

To the flickering torchlight

Of the lonely cave,

And stand once again,

Feeling the fear

Of our forefathers

As the lion prowls

In the shadows of the cave,

Or beyond the firelight?



Images dance on the walls.

You can see the torchlight flicker -

Flame in the endless night.

You can hear hushed voices,

A flute, a drumbeat, chanting,

Smell the smoke of the charcoal burning,

Hear the grist of the mortar grinding.

Who were they,

These lone wanderers,

Small in the vastnesses

Of the empty nights,

Making tiny fires on the lonely plains,

Wandering, hunting

Through the empty millennia

Before memory was born?

Who were they that we

Can suddenly feel their fear,

Their love, their awe,

Living in the lines

They left on these walls

In the emptiness of long ago?

Terre des Sucs


Lonely and cold,

The mountains and moor,

With the rowans

And the soughing wind,

Ever singing through the branches

And the autumn grasses.

Sky a brassy blue,

Leaves and berries

Gold and red, orange and brown.

Tiny flowers huddle

Among the grass stems;

The only noise

The lonely wind in the trees.



 The water is dark and still here,

Quiet and smooth.

Fish prick the glassy surface

And the ripples flow

In their perfect circles,

Out, and out, and out,


Leaving behind

A mirror of perfect peace

At the heart of it all.




Oh how the wind whispers here

In this hot, hard land,

Rustling the dry leaves

In the thirsty trees:

Sighing and still, sighing and still;

Bringing no relief of promised rain,

No clouds to the hot blue sky

To take the sting from

The merciless sun above,

But sighing and still, sighing and still,

Rustling the leaves

And the dry autumn grass.



High on the hills

I look far away

To the mountains

Marching in the East;

To the hills rolling away

Mile on mile

In the afternoon sun

Of the West;

To the South,

Where the light changes

And a silver haze hangs

Whispering promises

Of the sea far away.

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